The Safe Harbor Program is a Faith-Based Recovery Support Services Program.
- The program requires a twelve-month commitment.
- All clients must agree to comply with program guidelines at all times.
- Clients must work during their stay to pay for their recovery.
- We will attempt to secure employment for you through our Back to Work Program.
- Coordination with Courts and Parole or Probation Offices is provided.
- Transitional Housing, Meals, and Transportation are furnished.
Safe Harbor is a Co-Occurring Disorder Capable (CODC) program.
What is CODC?
CODC programs address co-occurring mental and substance –related disorders in their policies and procedures, assessment, program content, treatment planning, and discharge planning. Even when the programs are geared primarily toward treating mental health or substance use disorders, program staff address the interaction between mental and substance use disorders, along with their effect on the individual’s readiness to change through individual and group program content. Relapse and recovery environment issues are also addressed (TDMHSAS/DSAS, 2014).
What is CODC?
CODC programs address co-occurring mental and substance –related disorders in their policies and procedures, assessment, program content, treatment planning, and discharge planning. Even when the programs are geared primarily toward treating mental health or substance use disorders, program staff address the interaction between mental and substance use disorders, along with their effect on the individual’s readiness to change through individual and group program content. Relapse and recovery environment issues are also addressed (TDMHSAS/DSAS, 2014).
Things you are allowed to have at Safe Harbor
7 Outfits
These are the only items allowed at Safe Harbor. Any Item found in your possession not on this list will be considered contraband and taken away immediately. Anything taken will be placed in secure location and you have 24 hours to have someone pick up for you.
Items not Allowed
7 Outfits
- Work clothes
- Casual Clothes
- Dress clothes
- Work Boots
- Tennis Shoes
- Dress Shoes
- 7 pair underwear
- 7 pair socks
- 7 undershirts
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Toothpaste & Toothbrush
- Brush or Comb
- Razor
- Shaving Cream
- Mouthwash (Alcohol Free)
- Deodorant
- Foot powder
- 1 Bible
- Family Pictures
- 1 writing pad/ Folder/Binder
- Black ink pens
- 2 puzzle books
- 1 box envelopes
- Stamps
- 1 Pillow
- 1 blanket
- 1 set of sheets (single bedding)
- 1 radio with headphones, no disc players or cassette players
- 1 cell phone and charger, no Smart Phones allowed
- You may have 1 magazine or 1 newspaper subscription during your stay.
These are the only items allowed at Safe Harbor. Any Item found in your possession not on this list will be considered contraband and taken away immediately. Anything taken will be placed in secure location and you have 24 hours to have someone pick up for you.
Items not Allowed
- TV, CDs, etc.…
- Vehicles
- Jewelry (may have a wristwatch or wedding ring)
- Cologne, perfume
- Items that are sexually inappropriate or that advertise alcohol/drugs will not be allowed.
Daily Schedule

Chapel Services
Daily Christian Worship services are offered to those who wish express their faith through praise and worship, and to grow in their understanding through sermons and Bible lessons offered by our lay-ministers and ordained clergy. At Safe Harbor, we comply with the Charitable Choice Act, and so participants who decline to participate in sectarian activities will be allowed to use that time to work on their recovery materials. Due to staffing and supervision requirements individuals who elect this option must do so in an area in proximity to the chapel.
Daily Christian Worship services are offered to those who wish express their faith through praise and worship, and to grow in their understanding through sermons and Bible lessons offered by our lay-ministers and ordained clergy. At Safe Harbor, we comply with the Charitable Choice Act, and so participants who decline to participate in sectarian activities will be allowed to use that time to work on their recovery materials. Due to staffing and supervision requirements individuals who elect this option must do so in an area in proximity to the chapel.
Group & Individual Support Sessions
Recovery Support is Offered Through Group and Individual Support Sessions
Safe Harbor clients participate in small groups in which a group facilitator conducts sessions meant to evoke discussions concerning specific recovery topics and to reinforce sobriety by creating a safe, confidential environment for participants to share their recovery experiences, fears, frustrations, failures, successes, and victories. These groups are meant to enhance sobriety through open discussion. The goal of these groups is to search for truth, to build hope, and to offer practical skills and advice that enhance sobriety.
We also meet with clients individually to offer spiritual support and to discuss their progress towards their goals.
Recovery Support Topics and Services
Recovery Support is Offered Through Group and Individual Support Sessions
Safe Harbor clients participate in small groups in which a group facilitator conducts sessions meant to evoke discussions concerning specific recovery topics and to reinforce sobriety by creating a safe, confidential environment for participants to share their recovery experiences, fears, frustrations, failures, successes, and victories. These groups are meant to enhance sobriety through open discussion. The goal of these groups is to search for truth, to build hope, and to offer practical skills and advice that enhance sobriety.
We also meet with clients individually to offer spiritual support and to discuss their progress towards their goals.
Recovery Support Topics and Services
- Recovery Skills and Relapse Prevention: Meant to provide information that assists clients in understanding their addictions and triggers, as well as the importance of planning and scheduling in preventing relapse. We offer both faith-based (Walking the 12-Steps With Jesus; Celebrate Recovery) and secular (Matrix Program) approaches to recovery.
- Employment Skills: Designed to offer clients coaching and advice concerning work habits and ethics as well as resume preparation and interviewing. Through our Reliable Back to Work Program, participants who qualify work at various area employers, many of whom hire them directly when they graduate our Safe Harbor Program.
- Pastoral Support: Pastors, Chaplains, and Chaplain’s Aides provide both group and individual Bible discussions meant to explore spiritual matters and enhance sobriety. Chapel services are offered regularly; and after an appropriate amount of time as passed individuals may be granted permission to attend local churches with outside sponsors.
- Anger Management: Anger Management is a required curriculum for all clients because all people deal with the issue of how to manage anger, whether they must learn to manage their own, or are confronted with situation where other people are angry. This curriculum was developed by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration) an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Fatherhood Development: Fatherhood Development aims to create a support group for fathers and to promote a positive identity for participants as men and fathers, encouraging them to see the importance of accepting responsibility for their children. This is intended to improve participants’ parenting skills.
- Money Management: Clients utilize the Growing Your Money: Personal Financial Tools workbook to help them develop critical skills for financial independence. Sessions include: Developing a Spending Plan; Working with Checking and Savings Accounts; Understanding Credit and Your Credit Report; and Getting a Loan.
- Transportation: Clients in our program will be provided transportation to parole and probation appointments, court appointments, work, and to program sponsored outings such as recovery social activities. Transportation is subject to availability.
Recovery & Sobriety
What are Recovery Support Services (RSS)?
Safe Harbor is a church, independent of denomination, offering a faith-based RECOVERY SUPPORT SERVICES program. We are an approved provider of Recovery Support Services by both the Tennessee Department of Health’s Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (DADAS) and the Arkansas Department of Human Services (Access to Recovery). Recovery Support Services are designed to enhance and reinforce recovery after participation in inpatient licensed Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation programs. We do not offer medical detox services, and the program we administer employs a combination of pastors, lay-ministers, volunteers, and peer coaches (people in recovery with long term sobriety) who have been trained in core competencies that relate guiding and supporting others in recovery. Our program is designed to provide a safe drug and alcohol free environment and structured support program in which participants regain their work skills and habits; learn about recovery and relapse prevention; and to prepare to live a sober, independent life after graduation.
Why our Recovery Support Services Program is Called the ‘Nehemiah Program’
This is a reference to the Biblical story, in the Old Testament Book of Nehemiah (originally from the Jewish Torah), about the efforts of the children of Israel to rebuild the wall around the city of Jerusalem. In those days, massive walls were constructed around cities to protect inhabitants from outside threats. In the case of those we serve, their ‘walls of protection’ have been destroyed, and lacking the right skills to maintain sobriety they are exposed and in danger. Just as the Israelites worked together to rebuild the broken wall and secure themselves from danger, we work together with our participants so that they may regain their strength and rebuild their broken lives.
What are Recovery Support Services (RSS)?
Safe Harbor is a church, independent of denomination, offering a faith-based RECOVERY SUPPORT SERVICES program. We are an approved provider of Recovery Support Services by both the Tennessee Department of Health’s Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (DADAS) and the Arkansas Department of Human Services (Access to Recovery). Recovery Support Services are designed to enhance and reinforce recovery after participation in inpatient licensed Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation programs. We do not offer medical detox services, and the program we administer employs a combination of pastors, lay-ministers, volunteers, and peer coaches (people in recovery with long term sobriety) who have been trained in core competencies that relate guiding and supporting others in recovery. Our program is designed to provide a safe drug and alcohol free environment and structured support program in which participants regain their work skills and habits; learn about recovery and relapse prevention; and to prepare to live a sober, independent life after graduation.
Why our Recovery Support Services Program is Called the ‘Nehemiah Program’
This is a reference to the Biblical story, in the Old Testament Book of Nehemiah (originally from the Jewish Torah), about the efforts of the children of Israel to rebuild the wall around the city of Jerusalem. In those days, massive walls were constructed around cities to protect inhabitants from outside threats. In the case of those we serve, their ‘walls of protection’ have been destroyed, and lacking the right skills to maintain sobriety they are exposed and in danger. Just as the Israelites worked together to rebuild the broken wall and secure themselves from danger, we work together with our participants so that they may regain their strength and rebuild their broken lives.
How do we measure success?
Our goal is to graduate clients drug and alcohol free, and:
1.) Independently employed
2.) Independently housed
3.) Participating in regular and meaningful groups that support sobriety such as: church, Alcoholics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, or Narcotics Anonymous.
Our goal is to graduate clients drug and alcohol free, and:
1.) Independently employed
2.) Independently housed
3.) Participating in regular and meaningful groups that support sobriety such as: church, Alcoholics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, or Narcotics Anonymous.